Vanity Fair Confidential
Mo 18:05, Tu 18:00
· Rerun Tu 12:00
Vanity Fair Confidential brings you deep into the criminal affairs of various people whose stories were once across the pages of Vanity Fair Magazine. The show covers high scandal cases including those of soldiers, family heirs, and even boy band moguls.
- Country of originUnited States
- Year when published2015
- CastBryan Burrough, Martin Koughan, Jennet Conant
Show is viewable on demand
Show is viewableOnly in Estonia
Presumed Guilty
Two men are convicted of abducting and killing 10-year-old Jeanine Nicarico - and sentenced to death. Both men maintain their innocence and a race to identify the real killer begins before an execution date is set.
Nightmare on Elwood Avenue
In 2003, NYC financial analyst Maria Cruz vanishes and the last man she saw is missing too. From Manhattan to Newark, NJ, Vanity Fair Special Correspondent Bryan Burrough tracks this wild tale of medical fraud, stolen drugs and unspeakable crimes.
Buried Alive
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The Killing Trail
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The White House Boys
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The Runaway Doctor
Dr. Mark Weinberger vanished and his wife Michelle Kramer has no idea where he is. Weinberger's story is a dark and twisted tale of greed and power that leaves Michelle in tears and an entire town in horror. He is America's most-wanted "Runaway Doctor."
Code of Dishonor
There are thousands of victims. All members of the American Air Force. How far will they go to stop a covert war against women?
The Fugitive Heir
A headless torso washes ashore. A mob's daughter is executed mob-style. A millionaire's young wife vanishes. Some believe that one man knows exactly what happened to all three victims. He is "The Fugitive Heir."
The Perfectly Sinister Mr. Rockfeller
A victim of a grisly murder is uncovered. A child from a wealthy family is abducted. It's the sordid tale of "The Perfectly Sinister Mr. Rockefeller."
Prisoner of Denver
Lisl Auman is locked in a police car when a cop is gunned down. Still, she is convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. When Hunter Thompson hears about the case, he and Vanity Fair contributing editor Mark Seal begin to investigate.
Days of Rage
Children of affluent American families declare war on the country using guns and bombs to kill. How many will have to die before justice is served?
The Lady Vanishes
When political activist Madalyn Murray O'Hair mysteriously disappears, she'll touch off one of the most baffling missing persons cases in American history-a case full of strange clues, false leads, and lethal suspects.
Bill Cosby Drugged Me
Supermodel Beverly Johnson and four other women who claim Bill Cosby assaulted them share their stories in this intimate investigation into the allegations made against America's favorite Dad. How many accusers will it take before the women are believed?
The Case of the Vanishing Blonde
A woman is left for dead. When the case goes cold, private investigator Ken Brennan is hired to find out exactly what happened. His investigation uncovers disturbing clues and sets off a hunt for a man who preys on women nationwide.
Love's Deadly Harness
Susan Cummings. She is an heiress and daughter of a billionaire arms dealer. Roberto Villegas. He is a revered Argentinian polo player. Their worlds would collide on a 340-acre estate. And only one would live to talk about it.
The Counterfeit Rockefeller
Christophe Rocancourt. Charming, cunning, French, and an imposter. When he crosses paths with police investigator George Mueller, they begin a cat and mouse game that leaves officials wondering what it will take to stop the Frenchman dead in his tracks.