Married...with Children
Mo, Th 19:00, Tu-We, Fr 18:55 · Rerun Mo-Su

Al is the quintessential working class dad. Peggy, his wife, always wants more from him. With their children, they go through the highs and lows of ordinary life.

  • Country of originUnited States
  • Year when published1987
  • CastEd O'Neill, Christina Applegate, Katey Sagal
Show is viewable on demand 30 Days
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Poppy's by the Tree: Part 2
After a hair-raising encounter with the maniac, Al decides to get the family out of town. But they realize that they are trapped at the motel by a storm and the locals are unwilling to help them. Then things take a turn when Peggy is taken hostage by the ax murderer in a room and Al must rescue her.
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If I Were a Rich Man
Steve takes Al to the vault at the bank where Steve works for a secret after-hours card game, and the next day, one million dollars is reported missing. Al is then treated like a king by Peggy and the kids as well as hostility from Steve all of whom mistakenly think Al stole the money.
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Buck Can Do It
Al is loath to have Buck the dog neutered despite being threatened with lawsuits from numerous neighbors regarding Buck's "nocturnal carnal activities" resulting in "stupid, ugly puppies" from their dogs. Reacting to pressure from Peggy and a bizarre dream he has involving Buck becoming upright and articulate, Al makes a decision.
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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: Part 1
While Al and Steve are occupied by a female employee who fixes the Bundy's refrigerator, Peggy invites Marcy to a strip club with the girls.
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No Chicken, No Check
Convinced they can share, Kelly and Bud pool their money together so they can buy a car for themselves, which both want, but neither will surrender, for a time alone in the car with their drive-in movie dates.
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Take My Wife, Please
On Halloween night, the Grim Reaper (in the form of a dark-haired, pasty-faced Peggy) finally answers Al's inadvertent long cried call for death and won't leave him until one of his family members say that they need him.
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Poppy's by the Tree: Part 1
The Bundys take a vacation to near-beautiful Dumpwater, Florida and stay in a cut-rate motel where an ax murderer that hates tourists, shows up every five years since 1967, and redneck locals begin to make bets on who the psycho will strike next.
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Guys and Dolls
When starting a baseball card collection, Al and Steve sell Marcy's old Barbie doll. They must get it back, but they learn the shop they sold it to was robbed, so they would have to search downtown Chicago and ask every bum on the street.
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Build a Better Mousetrap
Al's attempts to get rid of a rodent in the Bundy house end badly.
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Master the Possibilities
Al, under the impression that you don't have to pay for anything you didn't order, takes Peggy and Bud on a wild spending spree, and goes with Peggy to a fancy hotel for a weekend getaway when the mailman accidentally leaves a new credit card addressed to Buck the dog.
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Peggy Loves Al - Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
On Valentines Day, Kelly hauls in a load of Valentines, while Steve plans to give Marcy a trip to Hawaii. When Marcy finds out from Peggy, she plans to give Steve his Valentine present by jumping out of a life-size cake. Meanwhile, Bud holds a vigil by the mailbox waiting for his first Valentine, while Peggy ponders over the decision on whether or not she'll get the gift she wants from Al for him to say "I Love You."
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The Great Escape
The Bundy's stay at the shoe store after their house is tented for termites. A grounded Kelly plots to escape and go to a rock concert.
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Marcy regrets denting Steve's new car when he claims that she's made him impotent.
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Scared Single
Al hires Aaron, a recent Polk high school graduate, to work in his shoe store for the summer. Aaron sees Al as a hero and when he announces of his decision to marry, Al takes full advantage by giving the boy the benefit of wisdom not to ever marry and become like him and millions of other long-suffering married men: losers.
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No Ma'am
When Al and his friends get fed up with the women taking over their Giggly Room and their bowling night, thanks to both Jerry Springer and Marcy D'Arcy, they form a secret organization called No MA'AM and hold Springer hostage in his own show in an audience filled with men donning the No MA'AM shirts.
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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: Part 2
Marcy loses her composure and her wedding ring when it slips into a dancer's briefs when she slips him a tip. Desperate to keep the news from Steve, Marcy sets out distracting him every chance she gets. However, Zorro the Stripper suddenly shows up at Al's house and returns Marcy's wedding ring to him, who gives it to Steve and tells him about where Marcy was the other night.
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For Whom the Bell Tolls
Al gets heated up over the large phone bill and refuses to pay it, which results in the disconnection of the Bundy phone line, making him the target of hostility from Peggy, the kids and the Rhoades who now take the Bundys phone calls on their phone, especially the ones from Peggy's mother. To make matters worse, there's a streetlight that is also bothering Al which is keeping him awake every night.
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Born to Walk
Al flunks his written drivers test the same day that Kelly passes hers, leading him confined to the house and unable to get to the racetrack to bet on an important horse race.
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Alley of the Dolls
Victory seems assured when Steve agrees to join the Bundys for a family team bowling match against Peggy's arch rival from high school, Mimi, and her obnoxious family. But Bud reveals that he doesn't know how to bowl because he has squandered his bowling lesson money, prompting Steve to coach Bud on the pointers of bowling.
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The Razor's Edge
Steve returns home having grown a beard from a week-long rafting trip. He and Marcy get into a huge argument over his reluctance to shave it off, leading him to move in with the Bundys.
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Just Married... with Children
While secretly going through Steve and Marcy's mail, Al and Peggy fill out an application to a TV game show called "How Do I Love Thee" where the objective is a Bundy natural: surviving physical torture from one's spouse. Al and Peggy appear on the show pretending to be Steve and Marcy and they easily win many prizes. But when Steve and Marcy find out, they appear at the end of the show pretending to be Al and Peggy, and the husband that survives the most torture in an electric chair wins a new car.
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Father Lode
After going with Steve to the racetrack, Al is reluctant to reveal that he won $1,200, because he knows that Peggy and the kids will take the money for themselves. While Al tries to throw off Peggy's suspicions with sex, Steve asks for increasingly exuberant bribes of Al's racetrack winnings so he will keep his mouth shut about the money.
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All in the Family
Al's quiet three-day weekend plans to watch his favorite John Wayne movie "Hondo" are ruined when Peggy's eccentric relatives come to visit the Bundy household. They include her unseen, obese mother, two feuding uncles; the hulking Irwin and the effeminate Otto, as well as a singing and dancing triplet of aunts whose showbiz career is threatened by Al's bad advice to them. Al then interrupts and ruins a romantic evening between Steve and Marcy to confide with his problems.
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He Thought He Could
Al discovers a library book that was due in 1957. He must return it to the library and face up to his worst childhood fear: the librarian.
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Dances with Weezie
Al bribes Kelly and Bud into posing as him and Jefferson to accompany Peg and Marcy at The Jeffersons Moving On Up Tour live, while they go to a newly opened sports bar.
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Change for a Buck
Lacking attention, Buck decides to run away from home and the rest of the family doesn't discover that he's gone until a week later which is the time limit for dogs at the pound where Buck winds up. Al is then torn between going with the family to look for Buck and going to the nudie bar with Jefferson for a "Wrestle Till You're Raw" night.
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I'm Going to Sweatland
When a perspiration stain on one of Al's shirts resembles a silhouette of The King of Rock & Roll, the Bundy household becomes a hot spot for Elvis Presley fanatics to visit.
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Poke High
A young football player named Matt, from Polk High, where Kelly and Bud go to school, is threatening two Bundy records: one held by Al for the most touchdowns in one season and the other by Kelly, by refusing her advances. So, Kelly resorts to becoming a cheerleader for Polk High's team in order to catch Matt's attention during a big season-ending game.
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How Do You Spell Revenge?
Al, Peggy, and Bud are part of a shopping mall softball team playing other mall teams. After losing a few too many games, Al demands that Peggy improve her softball skills or she is off his team. Meanwhile, Kelly's new boyfriend, Brian, asks her to prove her love to him by getting a tattoo.
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Earth Angel
There's a new light in the neighborhood when Bud brings home an attractive, free spirited, 21-year-old artist named Tiffany on her way to art school in New York and everyone likes her, except Marcy for Tiffany steals the attentions of Steve as well.
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A Little Off the Top
Al is injured playing football with his friends, and ends up in the hospital needing surgery. Due to a mix-up at the hospital, however, Al ends up receiving a circumcision.
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The Worst Noel
On Christmas Eve, Kelly and Bud try to sneak in a jukebox to give to their parents who spend the entire show sitting in front of their TV set arguing with each other over the proper speed for channel switching. Also, Marcy and Jefferson throw a wild Christmas party next door and do not tell Al about it.
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The Camping Show
Steve, Marcy and the Bundys head out to a cabin in the woods, but the merriment is halted by Kelly's PMS. The men leave for a bit to go out fishing and return to all three women menstruating and hostile. When a bear attacks the car, Al hilariously attempts to stop him.
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A Dump of My Own
Al decides to build a spare bathroom when the upstairs toilet floods one too many times.
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You Better Watch Out
The Bundys' Christmas is rudely interrupted when a parachuting mall Santa crash-lands into their backyard, attracting the neighborhood kids.
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Sofa So Good
With Al and Peggy away for a family reunion with her family in Wanker County, Wisconsin (where everyone's last name is Wanker and is relative), Bud lets Kelly have the house for Saturday night.
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Honey, I Blew Up Myself
On Al's 45th birthday, Peggy decides to give him a sexy photo of herself to hang in the shoe store. But the photographer decides to hang a huge blowup version of it on a giant billboard in the mall outside the store. Naturally, this cannot be tolerated, so Al enlists the help of NO MA'AM's counterpart.
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Her Cups Runneth Over
Al must go to a far-off lingerie outlet store to buy a discontinued brassiere for Peggy.
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The Bald and the Beautiful
Desperate Al and Steve put their heads together seeking solutions to impending baldness when Steve begins to notice his receding hairline, whereas Al doesn't care at all. After unsuccessfully trying some hair tonic for themselves, Steve tries joining a club for bald men called Bald American Dudes (B.A.D.) and brings Al along with him who holds their latest meeting at the shoe store.
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How Green Was My Apple
A borderline war between the neighbors over the rights to a fruit tree, with a lesson to be learned somewhere, if only they would stop fighting.
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Valentine's Day Massacre
Al battles other husbands at a store for last-minute Valentine's Day shoppers. Meanwhile, at a hotel, Bud is physically and sexually abused while trying to find his long-lost, high school valentine, who is now a famous pop star.
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The Gypsy Cried
After a birthday party fortune teller predicts luck for everyone else but doom for Marcy, she insists the Bundys fly with her on her business trip where she confronts her rude boss.
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Requiem for a Dead Barber
After the death of his longtime barber, Al lets his hair down rather than tolerate a visit to a stylist or a salon... staffed by women. When Al backs down and goes to a salon, he gets a really bad hairstyle that makes him look like a woman.
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Get Outta Dodge
Bud sends poor Kelly on a wild goose chase to find 'Waldo' so that he can have run of the house making out with a wayward blonde. Meanwhile, with nearly 1,000,000 miles on the family jalopy's clock, Al gets an incredible offer from the Dodge company for a brand-new Viper.
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Field of Screams
Al opposes the proposed destruction of his old high school football field to build a new auto plant (initiated by Marcy and Kyoto Bank) by chaining himself to the goalpost.
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I'll See You in Court
In the infamous "Lost Episode", Al and Peg learn they have been videotaped being intimate at a sleazy motel. The same thing has also happened to Steve and Marcy. They decide to take the matter to court.
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Eatin' Out
The Bundys go out to a fancy restaurant to spend a great windfall, an inheritance check for $237 from a late uncle of Peggy's. But it becomes apparent that fine dining in public is not a part of the dysfunctional Bundy lifestyle. Matters are made worse, when Al forgets to bring his wallet.
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The D'Arcy Files
Jefferson reveals his secret past to Marcy when he tells her that he is a ex-CIA spy in a witness relocation program.
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Nooner or Later
Al shows his new temp Dexter around the shoe store, while Bud and Kelly queues outside for a rock concert, and Peggy, aiming to win a trip to Tahiti, tries to get Al to make a fool of himself over the radio.
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Ride Scare
Al opposes a forced car pooling until he learns that three lingerie models are in the group, only to discover the models are full-figured. Al and his group are then chosen to promote a campaign by the local health board to appear in commercial advertisements to clean up over-polluted Chicago.
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The Legend of Ironhead Haynes
When another complaint from a fat woman at the shoe store results in Al losing his parking space and being reprimanded not to insult anymore fat women, he, Jefferson and the rest of his mens club NO MA'AM seek out a legendary guru macho man to teach them how to battle political correctness.
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Assault and Batteries
Al rushes to finish fixing the basement step before his favorite movie, "Hondo," comes on TV. But, in an attempt to get some new batteries for his flashlight, he finds himself locked inside the store. Meanwhile, Bud and Kelly attempt to celebrate Buck's birthday, much to Buck's dismay.
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Al Goes Deep
Using their tax refund money, Jefferson and Al bet heavily on a college football game that they are guaranteed to win. But that's before Trumaine's prized, not-so-bright quarterback Chad, who is being tutored by Bud, falls in love with Kelly, whom she pleasantly distracts from his training.
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My Mom, the Mom
Kelly invites Peggy to her school as part of a presentation for career day.
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Can't Dance, Don't Ask Me
After Kelly gets in trouble at school, the only way she can get out of punishment if she joins the school's tap-dance club.
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A Three Job, No Income Family
Al finally convinces Peggy to contribute to the household income but feels emasculated when Peggy starts bringing home huge "commish" checks from her cosmetics sales job, earning more money than Al, himself. Even Al's new part-time job as a crew member at Burger Trek can't put him back in the lead as family breadwinner. Things go from bad to worse when Al finds the book containing the names of Peggy's customers.
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The Harder They Fall
While driving Peggy back from the video store, Steve gets cut off in traffic and Peggy gives the driver "the finger". Steve then asks the Bundys to come over to his and Marcy's house to watch some videos, as protection when he's afraid of a violent reprisal when he is followed home by the man. When there's a knock on the front door, Al convinces Steve to take the first punch... and Steve ends up knocking down a midget.
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The House That Peg Lost
After asking the Bundys to watch their house for the day, Marcy and Steve return to find a big hole where their house once stood. It seems that Peggy had, earlier that day, misunderstood a wrecking crew looking to demolish 'Steve's Road House' and she directed them to 'Steve Rhoades' house' instead, so the Rhoades are forced to spend the night at the Bundy house.
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Married... with Prom Queen: Part 1
Peggy spends $2,800 of Al's hard earned money ($2,000 on phone bills, $500 on a new dress and $300 on makeup) when she decides to attend hers and Al's high school reunion at Polk High, where Peggy makes a desperate effort to get herself elected reunion queen.
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Married... with Prom Queen: The Sequel
Peggy stands to lose the crown to Connie, until Al stands up to Connie's husband, Jack. Meanwhile, Bud and Kelly crash the party to pig out on some real food, since they are never fed at home. Peggy takes advantage of the fight outside, between Al and Jack, to get the kids help in rigging the election.
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The Dateless Amigo
After his two best friends find dates for themselves, Bud is desperately seeking any girl that will date him, so he resorts to getting a life-sized mannequin to pose as his date for the evening.
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The Computer Show
The Bundys buy a computer, which serves no purpose other than a hat rack. But what nobody knows is that the computer can talk. But only to Al.
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Life's a Beach
The Bundys spend a day at the beach.
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