The main character of the thrill-drama series Eva (Karin Rask) inherits a house from an unfortunate dead sister. When pregnant Eva moves to a new home with her husband Tarmo (Andres Mähar), a police officer, disturbing circumstances begin to come to light. Wasn't the sister's death an accident? At first glance, do sympathetic neighbors know more than they seem? Eva understands that it all started with the first lie ...
Trace S4:E5
Trace S4:E6
* S31:E29
* S31:E30
* E40
A mysterious tattooed woman is found naked inside a travel bag in Times Square by the FBI. She has no recollection of her own past or identity. They discover that her tattoos contain clues to crimes they will have to solve.
* S7:E11
A recently divorced cop adopts a police dog who lost his former companion, together they solve crimes in and around Vienna.
A couple finds themselves lured into a Russian oligarch's plans to defect, and are soon positioned between the Russian Mafia and the British Secret Service, neither of whom they can trust.
Loosely based on the true story of two young men, David Packouz and Efraim Diveroli, who won a three hundred million dollar contract from the Pentagon to arm America's allies in Afghanistan.
A mysterious tattooed woman is found naked inside a travel bag in Times Square by the FBI. She has no recollection of her own past or identity. They discover that her tattoos contain clues to crimes they will have to solve.
Trace* S4:E5
Trace* S4:E6
* S3:E8