Cops* S33:E7
A man weaves a stolen motorbike through traffic at high speeds as he tries to evade police. Deputies examine the aftermath of a violent domestic argument. A mom and dad deny that their habits could affect their child.
Cops* S33:E8
Police question the legitimacy of the name a driver gives them. Both husband and wife protect each other in a case of domestic violence. A 12-year friendship is jeopardized when a woman suspects her roommate of stealing.
The most unusual moments from Olympic history are investigated once again to reveal the stranger side of the five rings.
* S2024:E101
A police officer reawakens from a coma that has lasted for 20 years. He has to find out how the world has changed.
When Walden has a health scare on Halloween, he tries to re-prioritize his life with the help of Alan.
Alan has second thoughts about getting married when Walden has him sign a prenup.
Following a mission failure, Bravo Team conducts a high-stakes After Action Review to identify who's responsible for a possible career-ending mistake.
Bravo Team travels overseas for a foreign training exercise to disguise their true mission - to rescue a high-value target that is being held hostage. Also, NASCAR driver Austin Dillon gives the team a special driving lesson.
When Walker visits a school for his Kick Drugs program, he witnesses a young boy's suicide. He learns that his death was because of harassment he was getting from some schoolmates who were gang members. Walker then decides to spend some time at the school to look into it. Meanwhile, Gage and Cooke are trying to get a criminal.
An employee at a research facility realizes his company is making sarin nerve gas and plans to release it. He asks his brother, Danny, to help collect evidence for the police. They are caught; he is killed, and Danny is hit by a car.
Men dressed as Santa Claus rob the armored trucks picking up donations from Santa bell ringers. Gang members rob a church former ones attend, causing them to get in contact with their gang again.
Cops S33:E9
A woman asks police to get involved after her ex threatened to destroy her home. Prior medical procedures drive a woman to find a dangerous way to ease her pain. Deputies search for a mysterious driver who fled a car crash.
Cops S33:E10
A seasoned corporal gives some advice to a young man with a new motorcycle. A woman’s impatience lands her in hot water when she’s pulled over for tailgating. Officers give a driver multiple chances to come clean to no avail.
When Pasinetta Prince is found dead in her home, the close-knit community of North Omaha is left reeling. As police dig deeper into the life of the beautiful starlet, they find a long line of admirers. Could one man's infatuation have turned into murder?
Alan and Walden must be perceived as a loving couple during a meeting with an adoption social worker. However, Lyndsey returns from rehab and makes their plans more difficult.
After the social worker signs off on them, a prospective birth mother visits Walden and Alan.
A police officer reawakens from a coma that has lasted for 20 years. He has to find out how the world has changed.
Two hardened criminals get into trouble with the US border patrol after meeting with a Mexican drug lord, and then revelations start to unfold.
Spartacus must convince his people to unite againt imminent Roman assault. Lucretia struggles to be free from the commands of men who threaten her fate, and Glaber's ruthlessness has consequences.
Dickie Bennett sets out to find the money Ellstin Limehouse stole from him, Robert Quarles takes a shot at Boyd Crowder's protection business, and Raylan has a run-in with a couple of hitmen from Detroit after Quarles threatens him.
Limehouse launches a plan that will get rid of all his enemies once and for all. But, will anyone take the bait? Meanwhile, Wynn Duffy works on getting Robert Quarles delivered back, dead or alive, to the Detroit mob.
Following a mission failure, Bravo Team conducts a high-stakes After Action Review to identify who's responsible for a possible career-ending mistake.
Bravo Team travels overseas for a foreign training exercise to disguise their true mission - to rescue a high-value target that is being held hostage. Also, NASCAR driver Austin Dillon gives the team a special driving lesson.
* S2024:E102
Two hardened criminals get into trouble with the US border patrol after meeting with a Mexican drug lord, and then revelations start to unfold.
Spartacus must convince his people to unite againt imminent Roman assault. Lucretia struggles to be free from the commands of men who threaten her fate, and Glaber's ruthlessness has consequences.