Robson's Extreme Fishing Challenge
Su 07:00, Sa 06:50

Robson Green travels the World challenging the best fisherman to catch the biggest, best fish across the planet.

  • Country of originUnited Kingdom
  • Year when published2013
Show is viewable on demand 30 Days
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In the first challenge of the series, Robson finds out just how tough they make them up north by travelling to Greenland and into the Arctic Circle. The largest island in the world boasts a coastline that could almost stretch around the equator and it's not all Green either.
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Robson returns to Africa to fish the jewel of the east coast's crown: Tanzania. He will travel over 4000 miles to a country that brushes close to the equator and is home to the highest peak and largest lake in Africa.
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Robson ventures across the Atlantic to Eastern Canada, the gateway to the new world. For generations, these shores have provided settlers with their first glimpse of the Americas. Today, its waters boast world-famous fly fishing and world record-breaking ocean fishing.
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The United Arab Emirates and Oman
In this eastern odyssey, Robson heads for a part of the world he's never been to before. But then again-who would go fishing in the desert?
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