Robson ventures across the Atlantic to Eastern Canada, the gateway to the new world. For generations, these shores have provided settlers with their first glimpse of the Americas. Today, its waters boast world-famous fly fishing and world record-breaking ocean fishing.
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The Grand Tour*
The presenters are celebrating the great 70s American cars they saw in TV shows, as they road trip around Scotland, creating chaos on the streets of Edinburgh and building a homemade floating bridge across the Hebridean sea.
Killer Siblings*
In this bizarre midwestern saga, a grudge between a shady District Attorney and an eccentric local student turns deadly. Dogged investigators work for decades to bring a quartet of brothers to justice.
Killer Siblings*
When a body is found badly burned outside of Chicago, police work tirelessly to track down the killer of this young hardworking truck driver. The search leads them to an unlikely pair of teenage sisters who are able to evade police capture for years.
Lisl Auman is locked in a police car when a cop is gunned down. Still, she is convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. When Hunter Thompson hears about the case, he and Vanity Fair contributing editor Mark Seal begin to investigate.
A woman is left for dead. When the case goes cold, private investigator Ken Brennan is hired to find out exactly what happened. His investigation uncovers disturbing clues and sets off a hunt for a man who preys on women nationwide.
Christophe Rocancourt. Charming, cunning, French, and an imposter. When he crosses paths with police investigator George Mueller, they begin a cat and mouse game that leaves officials wondering what it will take to stop the Frenchman dead in his tracks.
Desperate Al and Steve put their heads together seeking solutions to impending baldness when Steve begins to notice his receding hairline, whereas Al doesn't care at all. After unsuccessfully trying some hair tonic for themselves, Steve tries joining a club for bald men called Bald American Dudes (B.A.D.) and brings Al along with him who holds their latest meeting at the shoe store.
After a birthday party fortune teller predicts luck for everyone else but doom for Marcy, she insists the Bundys fly with her on her business trip where she confronts her rude boss.
After the death of his longtime barber, Al lets his hair down rather than tolerate a visit to a stylist or a salon... staffed by women. When Al backs down and goes to a salon, he gets a really bad hairstyle that makes him look like a woman.
Married... with Children*
In the infamous "Lost Episode", Al and Peg learn they have been videotaped being intimate at a sleazy motel. The same thing has also happened to Steve and Marcy. They decide to take the matter to court.
Married... with Children*
The Bundys go out to a fancy restaurant to spend a great windfall, an inheritance check for $237 from a late uncle of Peggy's. But it becomes apparent that fine dining in public is not a part of the dysfunctional Bundy lifestyle. Matters are made worse, when Al forgets to bring his wallet.
The Grand Tour
On a road trip, the trio dish up a hair-raising mountain climb, bomb defusals, propeller powered cars, helicopter stunts and the most thrilling race of their lives before reaching the English Channel for a jaw dropping medieval climax.
A man's heroic attempt to help a woman in distress ends up with him waking up the next day without a kidney and plotting his revenge.
Dr. Mark Weinberger vanished and his wife Michelle Kramer has no idea where he is. Weinberger's story is a dark and twisted tale of greed and power that leaves Michelle in tears and an entire town in horror. He is America's most-wanted "Runaway Doctor."
A headless torso washes ashore. A mob's daughter is executed mob-style. A millionaire's young wife vanishes. Some believe that one man knows exactly what happened to all three victims. He is "The Fugitive Heir."
A man's heroic attempt to help a woman in distress ends up with him waking up the next day without a kidney and plotting his revenge.
Lisl Auman is locked in a police car when a cop is gunned down. Still, she is convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. When Hunter Thompson hears about the case, he and Vanity Fair contributing editor Mark Seal begin to investigate.
A woman is left for dead. When the case goes cold, private investigator Ken Brennan is hired to find out exactly what happened. His investigation uncovers disturbing clues and sets off a hunt for a man who preys on women nationwide.
Christophe Rocancourt. Charming, cunning, French, and an imposter. When he crosses paths with police investigator George Mueller, they begin a cat and mouse game that leaves officials wondering what it will take to stop the Frenchman dead in his tracks.